Tag: rabbit
May 18, 2021
I recently received a letter from a young reader named Phoebe. Phoebe writes that she loves Edward Tulane and that she wants an Edward doll. She has looked everywhere and can’t find one and is “heartbroken.” “I wondered,” she says, “if you maybe knew where to look for an identical version of Edward with all…
May 4, 2021
I put this tiny toy rabbit in a tree five months ago. She is exactly where I left her. It pleases me to think that she weathered the snows of winter, ferocious winds, torrential rains, the greening of the grass, the blossoming of the tree. I like to think that from her vantage point she…
February 10, 2021
“Out of the corner of his eye, the rabbit saw something flutter. Edward looked over this shoulder and there they were, the most magnificent wings he had ever seen, orange and red and blue and yellow. And they were on his back. They belonged to him. They were his wings.” A few nights ago, I…
December 23, 2019
From a fourth grader named Kalli. “Now, I will tell you what the book Edward Tulane is about. It is about love and how the rabbit named Edward Tulane discovers it and that is what we all need to do in this life is get thrown overboard and sink to the bottom of the ocean…
October 10, 2019
Bagram Ibatoulline’s original art for the cover of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is framed and hanging on my living room wall. A few days ago, I had a guy in to do some work on the house and as we stood in the living room, he nodded at the art and said, “I…