Tag: readers
March 25, 2024
I was a kid who loved to read, but I didn’t dream of becoming a writer. Books seemed so magical to me that I couldn’t conceive that human beings wrote them. For my 60th birthday, my friend Ann (who is also a writer) gave me the gift of a signed school library copy of E.B.…
February 20, 2024
“Every good story is a love story.” Two weeks from today, Ferris’ love story will be out in the world. In the meantime, I’ll be walking around the neighborhood putting copies into Little Free Libraries. “What is it that you want readers to take away from this book?” someone recently asked me. This: I want…
November 28, 2023
Last week, I received a packet of letters from a class of fourth graders at Herrera Elementary in El Paso, Texas. Their teacher, Ms. Gibbens, read them The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and the kids wrote letters telling me all the different ways they connected with the story. Each letter included a piece of…
October 19, 2023
I’m so grateful to all the readers who made the puppets a part of their story. Reactions: 966 Comments: 85 Original Post
July 25, 2023
Excited to say that I am hitting the road this fall to talk about books and meet you readers. Here is a list of confirmed events, please reach out to the hosts with questions about signing up virtually or attending in person. Huge thanks to the stores, libraries, and literacy organizations that are hosting! Events…
July 4, 2023
Last week, in a signing line at the American Library Association conference: Librarian: my daughter loves The Beatryce Prophecy. Me: Oh, thank her for me. How old is she? Librarian: She’s ten. She particularly likes the goat. Me: Answelica. Librarian: Yes, Answelica. My daughter wants you to know that when she goes to sleep at…