Tag: reading
June 8, 2021
Franklin Endicott and the Third Key goes out into the world today. I’ll be putting copies in Little Free Libraries around the neighborhood. In this book, Frank learns (among other things) about the profound pleasures of reading aloud. I have this wish: that whoever finds a copy of Franklin Endicott and the Third Key will…
December 8, 2020
Last Friday, I went to Red Balloon Bookshop, Next Chapter Booksellers, Magers and Quinn Booksellers, and Wild Rumpus Books and signed some stock for holiday shopping. It was so good to step inside bookstores, to talk to booksellers, to hold books in my hands. It moved me. At one point, I was standing in front…
November 11, 2020
I was out walking Ramona when a child (nine or ten years old maybe) on the opposite side of the street called out to me and said, “Do you know my Aunt Linda?” “Your Aunt Linda?” I said. “I don’t think so.” “She lives in Arizona,” said the kid. “I don’t think I know her,…
November 3, 2020
Last week, I received letters from several different teachers about reading aloud to their students during these times—reading aloud with a mask on, reading aloud over the computer, reading aloud at a social distance. As one teacher said, “You think, each time, that the magic won’t work, can’t work, and then it works. We come…
August 19, 2020
Here I am at 11 years old going downhill on a pair of rusty roller skates—almost, but not quite, spinning out of control. It’s a familiar feeling. People keep asking me if I’m still writing during this strange and unsettling time. Yes! I am! Stories—writing them, reading them—are how I keep my balance. I’m grateful…
July 29, 2020
Whenever I’ve worn this Harry the Dirty Dog t-shirt, people (young and old) have gone out of their way to tell me how much they love the book, how they remember someone reading it to them, or how much fun it is to read the book to their kids or grandkids or students. So when…