Tag: rewrite
May 31, 2023
I remember a school visit a long time ago when a third grader stood up and said: “Can you write a book without rewriting a book?” “No,” I said. “Shoot,” said the kid in a thoughtful voice. “There’s got to be some way around that.” I thought about that child when I woke up this…
November 9, 2017
So, I am deep in the rabbit hole of rewriting a novel. Each morning, I get up and go down to the computer and rewrite. And rewrite, and rewrite. I rewrite for most of the day, a few pages at a time. There are problems that need to be fixed and I don’t know how…
November 11, 2014
I spent the weekend doing a massive, intensive rewrite of a novel. Since I always re-type when I rewrite, my hands and shoulders and arms are sore. But my heart feels pretty good. In an interview in the magazine Shambhala Sun, the writer George Saunders talks about the process of rewriting and how “in revision,…
November 3, 2011
So. And so. The third (editorial) rewrite of the novel has passed muster. The next step is copy-editing. Am I thrilled to be exiting Rewrite Land? Well, yes. But mostly, I am kind of stunned. It’s like I’ve been underground for a long while and now I have emerged into the world: stumbling, blinking, hopeful.…