Tag: sit
December 21, 2017
A friend said to me recently, “All I want to do these days is sit beside the Christmas tree and read.” I know exactly what he means. Except I sit under the Christmas tree. I lie on the floor, beneath the protective canopy of the tree. I hold the book above my head, and the…
February 23, 2017
I had a mother who read to me. She sat next to my bed in the evenings and read to me. She sat on the couch, in between my brother and me, and read to both of us. When I was sick (which was often) and lying on the bathroom floor, my mother would sit…
March 20, 2012
I took this picture of two chairs last week, and I’ve sent it to a lot of friends with the caption “Two Chairs Having an Argument.” Which I thought was pretty funny. But then I started looking at the chairs, at how the one chair had turned its back on the other, at all that…