Tag: sky
February 1, 2022
Last week, I looked out the window as the sun was rising and saw the most perfect little moon hanging up in the sky. “Oh,” I said out loud. “I’m glad I got to see you.” I’m always rushing around, making lists, trying to get things done, but that morning I just stood still and…
February 18, 2020
Returning home last week, I looked out the window of an airplane and saw, in the darkness below us, a great, almost perfectly circular orange disc on the ground. What in the world was it? A molten lake? A UFO? A doorway to another world? I almost turned to the person sitting next to me…
October 29, 2019
On Saturday morning–after a week of running from one thing to the next, rushing, rushing, rushing—I came downstairs and looked out the dining room window and saw the moon (an elegant waning crescent) suspended above the trees. Oh, I thought, it’s so beautiful. And then I thought: I better get busy. But I didn’t get…
July 9, 2019
Last week, late in the evening, I went to close the blinds and looked out the window and saw the most impossibly elegant fingernail moon floating in a purple sky. Instead of hurrying on to the next task as I always do (What’s next? Do this. Do that. Hurry. Hurry!) I just stood and stared.…
February 20, 2018
I’ve been talking a lot of walks out on the lake. The wide-open vastness of it all is moving—it reminds me of just how small and alone I am. And then, too, there is the sky, which forms a blue bowl over the lake and makes me feel cradled, held, and not alone at all.…
June 23, 2015
I had a letter from a kid a few weeks ago that said, “Why are you so obsessed with the stars? They show up everywhere in your books.” I thought about that question last weekend when I was standing outside at 3 in the morning. I was at a friend’s cabin up north. I had…