Tag: spider
August 26, 2020
On a recent trip to a friend’s cabin up north, I went out in the early morning and saw this spider web. I bent down to examine it more closely and realized that I was looking for words—words like “some pig” or “radiant” or “terrific.” Good books change how we see the world. E.B. White’s…
October 30, 2012
For Halloween, Henry has been a spider, a chicken, a pumpkin, a biker and a king. It must be said that Henry has expressed absolutely no enthusiasm for the spider, chicken, pumpkin or biker outfits. However, he sure does seem to like wearing this crown. He sits up straighter when it is on his head.…
July 26, 2011
On the front porch this morning: a spider web in the shape of a gigantic capital “A.” I think of Charlotte and Wilbur. I think of Hester Prynne. And then I think: what if tomorrow there is another letter? And the next day another? What if, letter by letter, day by day, a word is…