Tag: squirrel
May 10, 2023
I had a fantastic time meeting readers of all ages last week at the Barnes and Noble in Maple Grove, Minnesota. One of my favorite moments was when an 8 year old boy stood in front of me and shouted: “He will defend the defenseless! He will protect the weak! He will write a poem!”…
February 17, 2021
In 2012, the year before Flora and Ulysses was published, a friend and I were driving from Austin to Houston when suddenly a giant squirrel appeared on the side of the road. Squirrels had loomed large in my imagination for so long that I almost thought what I was seeing wasn’t real. But there he…
December 29, 2020
Disney’s movie of Flora and Ulysses will stream on February 19th. In the meantime, I’ll be walking around the neighborhood putting copies of the movie tie-in book into Little Free Libraries. Getting the story of a superhero squirrel and a (not-all-that) cynical girl out into the world seems like a good way to usher out…
January 4, 2018
“Dear Kate DiCamillo, We had to pick a book and read it and then write a letter to the author, and I am writing to you because I read your book about the squirrel who writes poetry, and I thought it was boring in places and very funny in others and what I like best…
March 1, 2016
I’ve written a book about a mouse and a book about a squirrel. But the rodent I probably have the most affinity for is the chipmunk. I feel like a chipmunk a lot of the time—small, skittery, worried, hopeful. Three months or so ago, a friend got me a sign that says CHIPMUNKS. Here’s a…
March 12, 2015
I have a friend who heard a cooing noise coming from her fireplace and thought that a pigeon was trapped in the chimney. She called a wild animal removal service. It turned out that the pigeon was, in fact, a squirrel. The man from the wild animal removal service put on gloves and caught the…