Tag: talking
October 13, 2021
On an early morning walk with Ramona. Young girl: (clearly on her way to school): Wait. Are you the person who writes books? Me: Happily, I am one of the people who writes books. Girl: What? Me: Yes, I write books. Girl: Good. I want to ask you a question. Me: Okay. Girl: This is…
July 20, 2021
At the post office, the woman ahead of me in line turned to me and said, “Well, I did it. Don’t ask me how I did it. But I did it.” I nodded. I smiled. I had no idea what she was talking about. “I’m a third grade teacher,” the woman said. “I know who…
March 28, 2017
I remember being a kid and falling asleep to the sound of adults talking in another room. I remember thinking: they are grownups and they know the answers. I turned 53 last week. I am one of those adults talking in another room. I do not know the answers. But I like to step outside…