Tag: valentines
February 12, 2015
My mother gave me a Valentine every year, always. She never forgot. Even when she was very old, and thought that the cards were too expensive (“Four dollars and ninety-five cents? For a card? That’s nuts. That’s highway robbery.”), she still gave me a Valentine. These Valentine Days without her have a particular poignancy, a…
February 13, 2014
It has been very cold (the coldest winter in 30 years!) here. Some days, it is too cold to walk. And this is too bad, because for me there is something about walking out in the world which is conducive to the interior act of writing. Brenda Ueland’s wrote about this connection between walking and…
February 14, 2013
Here is the frost on my front porch window. I have to remind myself that the world does this: leaves dazzling little valentines everywhere. I need to make sure my heart is open, so that I can see them. Reactions: 218 Comments: 4 Original Post
February 17, 2011
On Monday morning, I woke up and smelled blueberry pancakes. My mother (who died two years ago) was an excellent pancake maker. She preferred pancakes for dinner, but could be coaxed into making them for breakfast. And so when I smelled the pancakes, I thought: my mother is down in my kitchen! This thought was…