Tag: voices
April 13, 2021
I was out walking a few days ago. I was preoccupied with the novel I’m working on. I was puzzling out the bits of the story and thinking of how much of it I didn’t understand. I was wondering if I would ever be able to do the work of writing the whole thing. And…
December 10, 2013
I was at a party on Saturday night and I didn’t feel so well. I went upstairs and lay down on the couch. I could everyone downstairs laughing and talking. At one point, I heard someone say, “Where’s Kate?” and then the laughing and talking went on. I closed my eyes. It was warm upstairs.…
May 1, 2012
A couple of times a week, I walk past a fast food drive-thru. I always stop for a second or two and listen to what people are ordering. Partly, this is because I am hungry. And partly it is because I am curious. But it is also because I like to listen to the sound…