Tag: writing
June 23, 2020
If you want inspiration and ideas for writing, I can’t think of a better resource than Jason Reynolds’ series of video writing prompts ( https://guides.loc.gov/jason-reynolds/grab-the-mic/wrr). Jason is the current National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, and I got to talk with him last week through the Open Door Sessions at Brookline Booksmith. During the conversation,…
February 27, 2020
I get asked (a lot) for writing tips and I’ll always give the same answer: read (as much as you can, as widely as you can), write (find a routine; a way to commit to doing the work), rewrite (again and again and again and again and again), keep a notebook (and take the notebook…
August 8, 2019
I love pencils. They speak to me of possibility (of writing and working and making something), but pencils are also forgiving—I mean, there’s the eraser, right at the top, implying by its very existence that you won’t get it right the first time. On a recent visit to Parnassus Books in Nashville, I was delighted…
June 4, 2019
When I talk to kids about writing—about becoming a writer—I show them a picture of me in my Brownie uniform in second grade. I tell them that it never occurred to me at that age that I could be a writer. I was a kid who loved to read. Books to me were magic. Where…